This getting started guide assumes that you have Guild Wars 2 installed via Lutris. If you have installed Guild Wars 2 some other way, then the guide will still be helpful. You will just have to figure out what the correct method of launching the Burrito Link is for you.
Burrito Link is a program that will run inside wine and serve as a bridge between Guild Wars 2 and Burrito. In order to run it properly we are going to have Lutris export all the environment variables and wine executable paths for us so that we can use them for launching the Burrito Link. Get the Lutris ID for Guild Wars 2. It is usually guild-wars-2
but could be different.
$ lutris --list-games
Now we need to extract the environment variables and Wine executable path Lutris uses for Guild Wars 2. To do this we will have Lutris create a standalone launcher script, then we will change the script to run the Burrito Link binary instead of Guild Wars 2.
$ lutris guild-wars-2 --output-script `pwd`/
Change the last line of the script to point to burrito_link.exe
. It probably looks something like this:
/home/myuser/.local/share/lutris/runners/wine/lutris-5.7-11-x86_64/bin/wine '<burrito_download_path>/burrito_link.exe'
We can now execute the script to run the Burrito Link..
$ ./
Burrito can also launch Burrito Link automatically if you enable the setting to do so. You must also provide Burrito the wine executable path, and a list of environment variables that should be set. These values can all be obtained via the process above.
An alternative way to run Burrito Link, without needing to know any wine or environment configuration, is by having Guild Wars 2 run it directly. This can be done the same way mods are loaded, by hooking into d3d11.dll. To use this method download the Burrito Link d3d11.dll file below and move it into your Guild Wars 2 folder. Now every time you launch Guild Wars 2, it will also automatically launch Burrito Link, no configuration nessasary. Burrito itself will still need to be launched manually.
Why would you not want to use this feature? If you also want to use another mod, such as arcdps, without using a modloader. Both arcdps and burrito link use the same d3d11.dll and only one d3d11.dll can exist. This library also seems to cause a crash every time Guild Wars 2 exits, GW2 is already exiting, but it causes the crash reporter to flash up on the screen. Enough folks wanted to use it even in its early state so now everyone gets to use it. You can track status and updates on github via this ticket.
Once the Burrito Link is running, you can launch Burrito by double clicking on the executable, or by launching it from the terminal.
$ ./burrito.x86_64
It is likely that the burrito window launched in the wrong place. Testing has shown that this occurs, but fixing it automatically has proven difficult. If you are using Gnome (Ubuntu, Pop!_OS, etc) all you have to do is hold down the super/windows key and then click and drag the Burrito window into place. Once it is there, it will stay there.
Just like that, you now have an overlay. You can now load a marker file to use in your game. If you are feeling creative, you can also use the marker editor to make your own marker files.